
论文阅读[粗读]-Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior


作者团队来自斯坦福和google research。其中percy liang是stanford AI的代表人物,他挂名的论文一般质量都很高。






  • 搭建这样一个平台框架是一个很复杂的工程问题,作者其实为了这件事情应该是写了非常多的代码
  • prompt设计估计也比想象中麻烦
  • 作者没有开源代码
  • 作者在后文提到,即使这样一个平台,没有训练只是做实验,在ChatGPT现在打1折的情况下,仍然花了几千刀来完成实验。可见money is all you need






John Lin is a pharmacy shopkeeper at the Willow Market and Pharmacy who loves to help people. He is always looking for ways to make the process of getting medication easier for his customers; John Lin is living with his wife, Mei Lin, who is a college professor, and son, Eddy Lin, who is a student studying music theory; John Lin loves his family very much; John Lin has known the old couple next-door, Sam Moore and Jennifer Moore, for a few years; John Lin thinks Sam Moore is a kind and nice man; John Lin knows his neighbor, Yuriko Yamamoto, well; John Lin knows of his neighbors, Tamara Taylor and Carmen Ortiz, but has not met them before; John Lin and Tom Moreno are colleagues at The Willows Market and Pharmacy; John Lin and Tom Moreno are friends and like to discuss local politics together; John Lin knows the Moreno family somewhat well — the husband Tom Moreno and the wife Jane Moreno.







  • 时间得分:发生在最近的事件分数高。作者提到是一个底数为0.99的指数衰减算法
  • 重要性得分:重要的事件分数高。这一部分是在事件发生时让模型自己打分。作者提到模型自己打的分挺好的,比如没啥意义的吃早饭就打1分,找暗恋对象去约会就打8分。

On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is purely mundane (e.g., brushing teeth, making bed) and 10 is extremely poignant (e.g., a break up, college acceptance), rate the likely poignancy of the following piece of memory.

Memory: buying groceries at The Willows Market and Pharmacy

  • 相关性得分:和query相关的分数高。这里作者直接找了另一个LLM去编码句子向量,然后算cosine相似度。






Statements about Klaus Mueller

  1. Klaus Mueller is writing a research paper
  2. Klaus Mueller enjoys reading a book

on gentrification

  1. Klaus Mueller is conversing with Ayesha Khan about exercising […]

What 5 high-level insights can you infer from the above statements? (example format: insight (because of 1, 5, 3))





Name: Eddy Lin (age: 19)
Innate traits: friendly, outgoing, hospitable
Eddy Lin is a student at Oak Hill College studying music theory and composition. He loves to explore different musical styles and is always looking for ways to expand his knowledge. Eddy Lin is working on a composition project for his college class. He is also taking classes to learn more about music
theory. Eddy Lin is excited about the new composition he is working on but he wants to dedicate more hours in the day to work on it in the coming days On Tuesday February 12, Eddy

  1. woke up and completed the morning routine at 7:00 am,
  2. [. . . ]
  1. got ready to sleep around 10 pm.

Today is Wednesday February 13. Here is Eddy’s plan today in broad strokes: 1)


4:00 pm: grab a light snack, such as a piece of fruit, a granola bar, or some nuts.

4:05 pm: take a short walk around his workspace


4:50 pm: take a few minutes to clean up his workspace.



[Agent’s Summary Description]
It is February 13, 2023, 4:56 pm.
John Lin’s status: John is back home early from work.
Observation: John saw Eddy taking a short walk around his workplace.
Summary of relevant context from John’s memory: Eddy Lin is John’s Lin’s son. Eddy Lin has been working on a music composition for his class. Eddy Lin likes to walk around the garden when he is thinking about or listening to music.
Should John react to the observation, and if so, what would be an appropriate reaction?


[Agent’s Summary Description]
It is February 13, 2023, 4:56 pm.
John Lin’s status: John is back home early from work.
Observation: John saw Eddy taking a short walk around his workplace.
Summary of relevant context from John’s memory: Eddy Lin is John’s Lin’s son. Eddy Lin has been working on a music composition for his class. Eddy Lin likes to walk around the garden when he is thinking about or listening to music.
John is asking Eddy about his music composition project.

What would he say to Eddy?


[Agent’s Summary Description]
It is February 13, 2023, 4:56 pm.
Eddy Lin’s status: Eddy is taking a short walk around his workplace.
Observation: John is initiating a conversation with Eddy.
Summary of relevant context from Eddy’s memory: Jonn Lin is Eddy Lin’s father. John Lin is caring and is interested to learn more about Eddy Lin’s school work. John Lin knows that Eddy Lin is working on a music composition.
Here is the dialogue history:
John: Hey Eddy, how’s the music composition project for your class coming along?
How would Eddy respond to John?


[Agent’s Summary Description]
Eddy Lin is currently in The Lin family’s house:

Eddy Lin’s bedroom: desk) that has Mei and John Lin’s
bedroom, Eddy Lin’s bedroom, common room, kitchen, bathroom, and garden.

Eddy Lin knows of the following areas: The Lin family’s house, Johnson Park, Harvey Oak Supply Store, The Willows Market and Pharmacy, Hobbs Cafe, The Rose and Crown Pub.

* Prefer to stay in the current area if the activity can be done there.
Eddy Lin is planning to take a short walk around his workspace. Which area should Eddy Lin go to?








  • 现在模型都能无监督自己生活了,这会不会有伦理问题呀w

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  • 25个ChatGPT跑了2天的模拟人生,就花了几千刀的token钱,还是在打1折的情况下。哎

  • 作者说还有很多的改进空间,感觉提到的改进空间大多数都是需要少更多钱才能做的。

  • 我自己挺看好这个方向的,而且我觉得肯定很多做心理学、社会学的人会对这个很感兴趣,比如说

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